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Characteristics of basalt fiber

Date:2021-04-01 11:31:51 Author:小编 Click:

Basalt fiber is regarded as a new material in the 21st century by scientists. It has excellent performance, strong substitution and wide application fields. The different groups contained in basalt give the fiber specific properties. The increase of SiO 2 content can improve the elasticity of the fiber. TiO, MnO and cro. The chemical stability of the fiber can be improved with the increase of the content of SiO and AO. The results show that the viscosity of the melt can be increased with the increase of the content of TiO2 and Cao; the increase of Cao and MgO content is conducive to the melting of raw materials and the production of fine fibers; the use temperature of fibers can be improved by introducing a large amount of Fe2O3 (ore) into the raw material formula.
Basalt fiber's characteristic.png
The pure natural basalt fiber color is like gold, the appearance is smooth cylinder, its cross-section is complete circle. The density of basalt fiber is higher (2.65 ~ 3.o0 g / cm). )Its hardness is very high (Mohs hardness is 5-9 degrees), so it has excellent wear resistance and tensile strength. Basalt fiber is an amorphous material, the service temperature is generally - 269 ~ 7oo ℃ (softening point is 960 ℃), acid and alkali resistance, strong ultraviolet resistance, low moisture absorption, high mechanical strength, better environmental resistance. In addition, it has good insulation, high temperature filtration, radiation resistance, good wave transmission performance, good thermal vibration stability, environmental protection and cleanliness and structural performance The ratio to the structure mass is excellent.